Katdid Konversation with Peanut

Welcome to another exciting episode of Katdid Konversations!

I am your host, Kitty Mojito!

Today, we are chatting with the fun and fashionable Peanut, a two-year-old Sphynx, who recently moved to Edmonton from Vancouver!

KM: I am so excited to chat with you, Peanut! Welcome to Katdid Konversations!

P: Thanks so much for having me, Kitty! It is lovely to finally meet you!

KM: Let’s start from the beginning. Can you share with us about how you came to find your human?

P: Mom says that I was the result of a series of fortunate events, whatever that means. My humans were at a time in their life where they needed me and *poof* there I was!  

KM: Wow! Talk about great timing! What an amazing turn of events! What does your daily life look like?

P: Honestly, my day is pretty average for a cat, lots of eating, sleeping, and zoomies. One thing that sets my life apart would be that I have outfit changes every morning. It’s funny because my outfit dictates my mood for the day. A onesie makes me calm; a neck tube makes me feel tough, a crop top gives me confidence, and being naked makes me goofy!

KM: Anyone who follows your IG @littlefellapeanut, know how fashionable you are with your extensive closet collection! I really enjoy seeing all those different outfits! Do you have a favourite food?

P: Meowgurts!! That’s what we call Churu tubes!

KM: Oh yum! Those are delicious! We are obsessed with them too! If you had to choose one toy to play with, what would that be?

P: I will always choose whichever toy Ollie is currently playing with.

KM: Ha! Ha! You are a typical sibling! LOL! Speaking of siblings, tell us a little bit about your relationship with yours.

P: My big brother Ollie is 11 years older than me. I am a bully to him, we both agree it is not nice, but I can’t help myself, he is really fun to chase. He is the kindest and gentlest old man; it is really tough being his bully.

KM: I totally understand the feeling. I have a big brother whom I love to bother too! But we all know bullying is not nice and we should be kinder to our siblings! Peanut, do you have any special skills?

P: Yup, anything a dog can do, I can do better. I am great on my leash and playing fetch across the house. I can even steal trash from the can and drink from the toilet. I’ve also been known to growl and bark, especially when playing.

KM: Wow! So many skills! What a talented kitty you are! What do you like to do for fun?

P: I used to love having outdoor meetups with my Vancouver cat friend group, but nowadays I have resorted to playing dangly toys inside while the flurries fly outside. I’m hoping to get outside this spring and summer and hang out with some of my new Edmonton cat pals!

KM: Yes! We can’t wait to hang out with you and all our other YEG pals once the weather is nicer! There are so many amazing parks we can chill out at! Speaking of friends, Instagram is a great place to make friends. What do you like/ don’t like about social media?

P: I have nothing but love for Instagram and the friends I have made there. I was the first Sphynx in the family so my Mom made my Instagram account to show friends and family how I was doing. It grew into something SO much bigger. We have made lifelong connections with some really special people and cats all over the world and had the opportunity to try new and exciting things! Any negative experience we have had has turned into something positive in the end. Shout out to my Peanut Pals, always showing up to support me!

KM: It is always great to have a support group! We love our YEG adventure group pals which you are now part of!! If you could make one wish, what would it be?

P: I would wish for the real world to be as beautiful and kind as the #catsofinstagram world! It is possible to love and accept each other for who we are, with no conditions! If we are using the word “one” loosely, I would also wish for more wishes.

KM: You are too funny, Peanut! Such a comic! Is there something you would like to accomplish in the near future?

P: I  would like to go outside again! Go away winter!! As soon as the snow is gone, I am going shopping for a new scratching post!

KM: Fun! One can never have enough scratching posts! Before we end, what is one message you would like to share with the world?

P: You matter, and you deserve all the good things that life has to offer. If you need a friend to talk to, slide into my DMs! I may be goofy when I’m naked, but I am also a great listener.

KM: That is a great message, Peanut! We could all use more love and acceptance. Thank you so much for this wonderful chat, buddy! I hope to see you and Ollie in person soon!

If you would like to learn more about Peanut, check out their Instagram @littlefellapeanut.

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