New Here? Get to Know Lynx

Lynx is a 16 year old Bengal who is the most sweetest and affectionate boi ever!

He was adopted in late 2019 through Paws in Need Rescue in Edmonton. He was 12 years old and had (and still has!) many medical issues! He was a medical foster in our home for a month before the pawrents fell in love with him and decided he will join our family!

Lynx loves to cuddle and adores tummy rubs and snuggles! He has the most amazing eyes that just captivate your soul and a gentle personality to match! He loves to sleep between the pawrents at night and also tries his best to be friends with his sister, Kitty Mojito, who is still not a fan, even after 4 years!

Did you know that Lynx cannot meow? He makes a raspy ‘ha-ha’ noise to communicate! When we adopted him, we were told that he was mauled by a dog which caused an injury to his vocal cords.

Lynxy can be quite adventurous at his old age of 16! He is a great traveler and does really well in in the car! He is also know to have fallen asleep on a boat and raft! As long as he has a comfortable place to snuggle into, he can chill anywhere!

We are so grateful to be able to love this sweet boi! He is the joy of our lives!

Do you have a question for Lynx? Let us know in the comments!


New Here? Get to know Kitty Mojito

Kitty Mojito is a 11 year old Domestic Shorthair who has been with us for 10 years! She was adopted in 2014 through Whisker Rescue at a Petsmart Adoption Centre. She was the only child until 2019 when Lynx joined the family. I think she is still upset about that!

Kitty Mojito is definitely a diva who has a unique personality. She can be really loving and cuddly or judge from afar, all depending on her mood! She is quite smart and learns new things really quickly. One of her favourite things to do is solve treat puzzles. She also know how to ring a bell for treats!

Her favourite treats include Catit Creamy, Inaba Churu tubes and Greenies Smart Bites.

Kitty Mojito is adventurous! She enjoys new environments and adjust to places fairly well, as long as she her pawrents with her. She also needs a litter box nearby and some comforts from home such as a blanket. One thing she doesn’t enjoy much is car rides. She is a nervous traveler therefore we keep her comfortable in the car by making sure she has access to the litter box and have a cozy bed to crawl into. Once, she gets over the initial nervousness, she usually enjoys her adventures!

We love our Kitty Mojito so much and she is the Queen of our home!

Do you have any questions for Kitty Mojito? Let us know in the comments below!


Buy a Treat for Kitties

Have you ever thought ‘Hey, how do I send a little love to Kitty Mojito and Lynx?’ 🙂

Now you can! You can buy a treat for them and for shelter kitties with your tip below!


Buy a Treat for Kitty Mojito and Lynx or for shelter kitties

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Your contribution is appreciated.

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Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year everyone!

It is a brand new decade! 2020! OMG! Where has the time gone??

I am excited for the dawn of this new decade and I hope it bring us all good health, wealth and happiness all around….

2019 has been a roller-coaster of a year for us with joys and heartaches. I won’t go into detail however I want to say that I am grateful for everything that 2019 brought us. I think it is important to show gratitude to every experience and lesson that life brings us.

One of the highlights of the year is the addition of a new member to our fur family. Please welcome Lynx, a 12 year old Bengal that we adopted in November 2019. He was a medical foster we took in just before Thanksgiving but decided that we would be the perfect forever home for him. He has many medical issues yet we love him just the same. I will make a separate post on adopting senior cats in the near future. I hope to attempt to make more blog posts than I did last year!

For now, here’s wishing you all the very Happy 2020 and I hope you will continue to read this blog!


Happy New Year From Our Family To Yours!


Lynx, 12 years old


Summer Adventures 2019

In Canada, summer is precious. We wait all year for the few weeks of summer to come around and when it does, we cherish every minute of it.

Although my husband and I don’t go on any long trips during summer time, we take the time to enjoy many things that our city has to offer.

Edmonton is famous for festivals. The Taste of Edmonton and Heritage Days are two of our favourites. We love to eat so these two food festivals are our go-to every summer.

There is also the Folk Festival, Jazz Festival, Blues Festival and many, many more music festivals and outdoor activities.

We also love to include Kitty Mojito in our activities. This summer, we took her canoeing for the first time. She was a bit nervous at first but quickly got curious enough to leave her backpack.

We spent many hours on the lake, having lunch and enjoying the surroundings out on the water. Kitty explored the canoe, watched the ducks swim about and let the gentle waves rock her to sleep. We are very proud of our little girl as she was brave, curious and open to new experiences.

I think it is important to give your pet enrichment and excitement in a supervised manner. Many cat owners think that since cats are so independent, they can be left alone. But on the contrary, cats are social animals that require regular
attention and quality interaction. Take time to play with you cat daily and give them opportunities to use their natural hunting skills. We like to hide toys and treats around the house and Kitty Mojito will stalk and hunt them. We also take her out on the leash to many places cat safe places. This adventure taught us that Kitty is more open to trying new things than we thought!

If you follow Kitty on Instagram (@kittymojito), you will see all the places that she visits. She is still getting used to travelling by car however she has become more comfortable than before which is a step in the right direction.

Do you take your pets on adventures? Let us know in the comments below!


Edmonton International Cat Festival

If you follow my blog, you know how much I love cats!

Therefore, The Edmonton International Cat Festival is one of my favourite events to attend every year. It brings all cat lovers together and each year, they donate 100% of the proceeds to rescues. This year, they raised $31,000!!

I was very excited to take Kitty Mojito with me this year. We took an Uber to the Robbins Health Learning Centre. Although we got there early, the line up was already down the street! Can you spot us?

Kitty attracted a lot of attention in her Fat Cat backpack. We were photographed constantly and everyone wanted to pet her! She loved the attention. We also got many questions about the backpack and how to introduce a cat to it.


There were many amazing vendors! Check out some of the items they had for sale!

We were also lucky enough to meet Suki the Adventure Cat and Gary. Both are amazing, adventurous Albertan kitties who travel to wonderful places.

Please head over to check out www.instagram.com/greatgramsofgary and follow his fabulous adventures.

Suki is a world travelling Bengal kitty. Head over to www.instagram.com/sukiicat and marvel at the amazing photos on her feed.

We were also lucky to be featured on the CBC Edmonton Instagram stories as they were fascinated by Kitty in her Fat Cat Backpack!

Kitty and I spent over 5 hours at the YEG Cat Fest. We took a short lunch break while taking in all the sights and sounds. After a quick selfie, Kitty stretched out for a snooze while waiting for Daddy to pick her up.

I am extremely proud of how well Kitty handled the crowds and the bustling atmosphere. An important thing to keep in mind when taking your cats out to crowded events is to make sure your cat is microchipped or tattooed. Safety of your pet should be your number one priority.

Invest in a good carrier and a sturdy leash that will keep your pet safe and secure. Take a few snacks and fresh water for your pet. Find a quiet place to take a break and make sure you let your pet know that you are there to protect them. New places and sounds will scare them so give them lots of pets and love so they know you are there for them.



How To Throw A Birthday Party For A Cat – Kitty Mojito’s 7th Magical Unicorn Birthday

Have you every wanted to throw a birthday party for your cat (or dog or ferret or rabbit) and just didn’t know how to go about it? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

If you follow Kitty Mojito on social media (IG:@kittymojito), you know she likes to celebrate any chance she gets. This year, she celebrated her 7th birthday on the 1st of April. The theme was ‘magical unicorns’.

So what goes into making a pet birthday party a success? That’s an easy question.. Just like throwing human birthday parties, the first thing to do is pick a theme!

Not only will you save money this way (you will avoid buying random this and that), it also helps you stay organized and on budget.

Once you have a theme, now comes the fun part of shopping for décor. Unlike kids’ parties, when you are throwing a pet party, keep your décor in a designated area.

I set up a table and had all my unicorn décor there. This makes it so much easier to supervise because you don’t want the pet getting into any tinsel or eating any ribbon etc. (Disclaimer: Please use caution and common sense here. If your pet likes to eat everything on sight, maybe use prints and canvases as your décor as opposed to small ornaments etc. Pet safety should the your number one priority)

All my décor came from Facebook Marketplace. It cost me about $60 for it. I highly recommend buying used items. Not only it is good for your pocketbook but reusing is so much better for the environment.

What’s a party without birthday cake?

I made this super simple cake for Kitty. It is salmon, flour, egg and water.


Take a can of quality salmon.
Add it (with the salmon juice) to a bowl with 3 tbsp. of all-purpose flour.
Add 1 egg.
Mix it all together until it is a thick batter.
Grease a muffin pan and the fill each section.
Bake in a preheated 350C oven for about 20 mins. Let it cool.
Once it is cooled, take a wet treat that comes in tubes (we really like Tiki Stix or Churu treats) and spread it on top like icing.
Sprinkle with catnip.
It is ready to be served!

Also, don’t forget to have some treats for the humans! I kept it simple with the non alcoholic cocktails, vegetarian appetizers, fruit and cupcakes.

Kitty had a few friends come over to celebrate. To avoid a cat fight, I invited each guest at a different time slot (Kalea came over in the morning while Oscar came over in the afternoon). This ensured that they each had a great time and was not overwhelmed with many cats around at the same time. Each party guest went home with a goody bag!

Finally, let’s talk about the party outfit! This lovely dress was gifted to Kitty by her friend Feona. I believe it was from Winners. The headband is actually a kids headband. I took out the plastic inside it and attached an elastic to fit her head. It took a few tries but it finally fit long enough for a few photos 🙂 Keep in mind that if your cat is not into wearing clothes, please don’t force it on them. Kitty is quite used to it so will cooperate but not all cats will like it!

It was a great party. We got lots of compliments on the décor! Kitty was thrilled with the gifts she got. She got toys, treats and gift cards to go shopping! We are very blessed to have people who love her enough to make time to come for her party 🙂 She was quite exhausted by the end of the day.

I hope you enjoyed reading about Kitty Mojito’s 7th Magical Unicorn Birthday Party.

Please leave a comment and let us know your thoughts 🙂 We would love to know how you celebrate your pets.


Review- VentiFresh Odor Eliminator

We are very excited to get the opportunity to review VentiFresh, a unique odor eliminating device.

As a cat friendly home, litter odor is an ongoing issue. We have tried many products over the years with various levels of success. When we heard of VentiFresh, we wanted to give it a try! The best thing about this product is that it is multi functional! Not only can it be used on or by the litter box, you can also use it in other spaces like gym lockers, shoe cupboards, small kitchen spaces, by the trash can etc. It is small enough that you can take it with you!

What is VentiFresh?

VentiFresh is a high-tech odor eliminator that is 3 times more effective than baking soda. It uses UV photocatalyst technology to remove odors on a molecular level. The product requires no maintenance or filter changes. You simply plug it in and it will start working. It works best in small enclosed spaces.

The package comes with a micro USB plug, an adapter, a Gel Pad, two stickers to cover the light sensor if necessary and the main unit. It is very easy to put together!

We set it up in our laundry room where we have the litter box. If there is a lot of light in the space you want to use it in, you can cover the light sensor with the enclosed sticker and it will run continuously. You will see the blue UV light while it is running and hear a faint buzzing noise. It doesn’t bother my cat at all, in case you are wondering!

We have been using VentiFresh for about a week now and we are happy to report that there has been a significant decrease in the odor in our laundry room/litter room. Since there are no filters to buy, it will save us some money every month which is an added bonus!



If you would like to get your own VentiFresh, use the link below and use the code ‘MOJITO10 to get 10% off! They ship worldwide!

Discount:10% OFF
Dates: August 15th – September 30th


VentiFresh (@getventifresh) has also partnered with @pet.sanctuary and Pinball’s Cat Project (@pinballandfriends) on Instagram to raise money!

$10 from every VentiFresh purchased from their USA store will go towards Pinball’s Cat Project. Details here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmddohqFp73/?taken-by=pet.sanctuary

Leave a comment and let us know if you will be trying VentiFresh and if you did, what did you think of it?



Putting Together A Pet Emergency Pack

As a pet parent, I always wonder what I would do if there was ever an emergency and I had to leave home in a hurry. I have emergency packs for myself and my husband, with a few basic supplies in it, but what about Kitty? I have a rough idea of what I would do if I have to leave home but do I have supplies to make sure she is safe on the road with me? The more I thought about this, I realized how important it is to have some pet supplies ready for her.


The picture above shows you everything I have for Kitty. All these are packed into my own emergency pack so when it comes time to evacuate, all I need to do is put Kitty in her carrier and grab my own bag.

I wanted to keep it simple so I put together this list for easy reference.

Here are some of the essentials you may want to pack for your own pet.

  • First Aid Kit – This is a must have. You never know when you might need it and this particular kit is designed especially for pets. It comes with all the basic supplies as well as an instruction manual. You can find them online or in pet stores.

  • Freeze dried food and Serving dishes – I like to carry freeze dried food because it is lightweight and you can use it as a treat or just add water to make it into a meal. The silicone dishes are collapsible and easy to carry. I have one each for food and water.


  • Plastic bags, Gloves, Litter Scoop – Since I am not carrying litter, I wanted to carry a scoop and some plastic bags so I can dispose of any waste easily. Gloves are always handy to have for any cleaning situation. (PS: You can always carry a collapsible litter box!)


  • A lightweight blanket or throw – As you can imagine, being evacuated due to any reason is a stressful time for yourself and your pet therefore it is nice to have a small piece of home with you. Find a blanket or throw that they really like and take it with you. It could also be used as a makeshift pet bed. This minky blanket is really soft and light and it will provide some comfort for Kitty.


  • Harness & leash, Pet wipes, Grooming brush and Doggy bag dispenser – It is important to make sure your pet is clean and groomed while you are away from home. I use the wipes to get any dust or dander off her after using the grooming brush.


  • Important Information and Toys – It is SO important that you have information related to your pet written down in a separate book. Not only will this come in handy when you are on the road and you need access to this information, but you can also provide them to a friend or family member if you end up having to leave your pet with them. Details such as vet information, microchip, insurance, medication, allergies, emergency contacts etc should all be included here.
    You can also carry a few of their favourite toys. I have added some pipe cleaners here as they are one of Kitty’s favourite things to play with!


  • Life jacket, Rain jacket, Sweater – Many people are surprised by the addition of a life jacket to the emergency kit. But I think it is an excellent idea! What would you do if you had to evacuate by boat or had to spend time by the water? The life jacket could save your pet’s life! The sweater and rain jacket are good to have so you are prepared for any kind of weather. Note: make sure your pet fits into these clothes first and that they are comfortable wearing them!


Don’t forget to add any medications, supplements, prescription food etc that your pet is currently taking to your emergency pack.

I hope this helps you get started on your own emergency kits and make sure that yourself and your family (pets included!) stay safe!

Check out my YouTube Video on how to put together an emergency pack and don’t forget to subscribe! Click Here For Video.


Edmonton International Cat Festival 2018


The Edmonton International Cat Festival is an event I look forward to every year! It’s THE place to be if you are a cat lover! 100% of the proceeds from this event goes towards helping local rescues! What a great cause!

This year’s event was held at the Robbins Health Learning Centre at Grant McEwan University in Edmonton on May 26th 2018. I was lucky enough to meet celebrities such as Nala (the most popular cat on Instagram with 3.6 million followers!) and her adorable sister Luna Rose as well as Travis DesLaurier (model, actor and he works out with his cat, Jacob!) who did meet and greets with fans as well as Q & A sessions.


I would like to say that the event was well organized and had many activities such as yoga with cats, cat themed escape room, puzzles, face painting, a pop up cat café to keep everyone of all ages well entertained. There were also tons of vendors selling the most adorable cat themed items as well as several rescue groups with the cutest adoptable cats.

I spent all day at the YEG Cat Fest! I took transit there since driving downtown Edmonton on a Saturday is not ideal (if I could drive that is! LOL) and after checking in, I went to line up for the Nala and Luna meet and greet!

After the meet and greet, I got interviewed by the news station, CityNews Edmonton. (Click here to see the interview segment) Next, it was off to check out the vendors and activities!! Here are some of the vendor tables I looked at!

There were also many rescues with adoptable cats! Check out that awesome cat enclosure!

After spending a few hours here, I stepped out to grab some lunch at Wendy’s (which was right across the street!). There are so many lunch options around this venue but I wanted an inexpensive lunch so I can keep more of my dollars to buy cat stuff! LOL

Once lunch was done, I came back and sat in on some Q & A sessions with Nala’s moms, Shannon and Pookie as well as Q & A with Travis. I ran into Bing Clawsby of Cats of Instagram and managed to snag a photo of him looking so sharp in his purple necktie!

There were cat videos playing throughout the day. I sat in on a very informative session with an AMA travel agent who talked about places that cat lovers need to visit as well as travelling with your cat! Finally, I wanted to stay for the Mr and Mrs Purrfect photo contest where Kitty Mojito was one of the contestants!

All the contestants were cute beyond words!! Finally the winners are announced!




YAY! Kitty was crowned Mrs. Purrfect 2018! So happy!! She received a certificate as well as a wonderful prize of a Vesper Cubo Tower sponsored by Homes Alive Pets!

I had so much fun at the Edmonton International Cat Festival. If you are a cat lover, you need to check this out next year. You can pre purchase tickets ahead of time (it’s a few dollars cheaper if you do!) or you can buy them at the door. Just follow them on Instagram @yegcatfest to keep up on the details for next year’s event!

A huge thanks to the founder and organizer, Linda Hoang and her team as well as volunteers, sponsors, vendors, celebrity guests and everyone else who had a hand in making this event a huge success.  A total of $21,000 was raised and donated between this year’s recipients, The Edmonton Humane Society, Little Cats Lost and Zoe’s Animal Rescue!